
Jericho Project is simply...

  • One of the many layers of ongoing evangelism that we currently practice at NEHBC
  • A simple process of going door-to-door in the neighborhoods that surround our campus
  • A gospel-focused conversation with our neighbors
  • A method of evangelism that God has used to save lost souls as well as call out many to rededicate their lives to Christ and start attending church 


    August 3, 2024
    October 26, 2024
    December 14, 2024
    February 22, 2025
    April 12, 2025


    Breakfast: We provide coffee, donuts, and kolaches for breakfast before the rally.  Come early, and get fueled for the day!
    Rally: We begin our rally at 8:30 am.  Think of this as a time for you to get excited and encouraged for the day's mission while receiving instructions before heading out into the community.  At the end of the rally, teams of 3-4 people are formed placing first-timers and nervous people with more experienced people.  Each team grabs a pre-made kit containing all the supplies you will need for the morning to head out into our community. 
    The field: Plan to be in the field for 2 to 2.5 hours going door-to-door based on the datasheets in your kit.  The first couple of houses can be a little nerve-racking, but after a few conversations you will gain confidence and the excitement builds until the project morning is over — usually before you realize it!
    Debrief: We come back together at 11:30 am to allow teams to drop off and organize unused material. This is also our opportunity to spend a few minutes discussing the morning and reflecting on what God has done through the event.  We try to be out the door by 11:45 am giving you plenty of time to enjoy the rest of your Saturday.

    We hope and pray you will join us for our next Jericho Project.  We have provided a video and script of a sample gospel conversation, and offer periodic evangelism training where you can learn a very simple and clear way to articulate the Gospel with those God puts in your path. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at  

    Click here for the full text of a typical one minute gospel conversation  (in English and Spanish)